Annual Update 2020 VNG International
Dealing with
Conflict, Fragility
and Migration
by strengthening democratic
local government
Recent / Ongoing Projects
Security is a basic human need, and providing security and protection is a prime responsibility of governments. In fragile environments, local government can play a crucial role in promoting dialogue and restoring the social contract between the state and citizens, also through concrete measures such as making public spaces safe, providing safe access for women to fields and markets, etc. Some of our projects focus on that local government role.
With the enormous numbers of refugees and internally displaced persons, in various regions of the world, also the strain on host communities has become more visible than ever, in terms of the pressure on basic services, housing, employment, transport, etc. We firmly believe that this requires a new approach to the reception of refugees in their region of origin, connecting relief interventions with long term local development. We seek that synergy between our projects and the work done by UN agencies and relief organisations.
Congo (DRC), Consortium for the Integrated Stabilisation
and Peace of Eastern DRC
01-11-2015 / 31-10-2019
donor: Royal Netherlands Embassy in Rwanda
Congo (DRC), Inawezekana 'It is possible'
01-09-2017 / 31-12-2021
donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands
CONSORTIUM PARTNER(S): ZOA International; War Child
▼ Iraq, Lebanon, MASAR, Maintaining Strength and Resilience for Local Governments
19-12-2018 / 19-12-2021
donor: European Commission
CONSORTIUM PARTNER(S): City of Amsterdam, City of Almere, City
of The Hague
▼ Libya, Mali, Niger, Improving Stability in Settings of Fragile
01-12-2018 / 30-09-2019
donor: Dutch Research Council (NWO)
CONSORTIUM PARTNER(S): Clingendael, Institute of International Relations; Bureau Ensemble (BE); Economie Polit. & Gouvernance Autonome Niger (EPGA)
Libya, lmproved Service delivery and Accountability at Local Level - component of Public Administration Facility Phase lll
01-04-2019 / 31-03-2022
donor: European Commission
Northern Uganda, Supporting Refugees and Host Communities
01-07-2019 / 31-08-2022
donor: German International Cooperation Head Office (GIZ)
Worldwide, UCLG Peace Prize 2018-2020
01-01-2018 / 31-12-2020
donor AND CONSORTIUM PARTNER(S): Vfonds; Diputació Barcelona, xarxa de municipis; Tromso Municipality; Gipuzkoa Regional Council; PAX for Peace; UCLG; VNG Fund for Emergency Aid, Reconstruction and Peacebuilding